Sunday, April 24, 2011

Well, I've been busy with work - but finally have some time free. I'm planning to update the blog and the facebook group we have (closed group) with the info I've gathered from everyone.

If you have more info to add, please let me know :)


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is anyone going to be near Pivnica or maybe it's Zagreb that would have the records?

I got the original records from somewhere (can't remember if it was in my dad's papers), but it looks as if they did keep official records.

Maybe someone could pull them, if they are local?

If not, I'll see about contacting the government in the fall, when I have some time off and seeing if I can pull some records for our family tree.


Rozalija (2nd wife of Franjo)

Hi Folks, based on Christine's feedback (Christine, please check to see if I got this right) - I think this is how Rosalija's portion looks.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hey folks, I'm updating the tree and am a bit lost right now.

Christine, can you take a look at the family tree and give me the letter that your dad was? I think he was J (mom was Rozalija?) - but I could be wrong. Once I know that, then I can see where else I went wrong. I have the dates for the births and deaths of the original family details (1877 ... ) from the public records in Pivnica. Somewhere something isn't working.